Tuesday, December 4, 2007

section quartet and off to master....

hello! yesterday was rather exciting. we ventured over to another easterly part of the city to conspire with the completely great (!!!) section quartet on a few songs on the new record, thus managing to complete and conclude the recording of this our new record. can hardly believe it's finished...and surely some little bits and ends will rear their heads and need attention. but, for now, at least, it's done! sending it off to our friend jeff tonight so he can get down to mastering the thing. can't wait for you to hear it. ! ! !

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Our working title for the new record was "Handclaps and Bitch-slaps," (har har) in honor of our beloved and oft-used slap-tastic beats. But now that's changed. The new title is to remain a mystery as we secure permissions.

We've been working steadily on the songs since the summer and we're hoping to have them mixed by Thanksgiving, mastered in early December and released in the early spring, with a digital release in the late winter. The amazing Section Quartet will also be featured on a song or two. Very excited about that!

Some of these are working titles but it's looking a bit like this so far:

You, Me and the Bourgeoise
The Thorny Thicket
The Wake Up Song
Swimming Pool